Metatron Methods
Online Metatron Methods Energy Healer
Certification and Training
Become a Holder of Metatron's Healing Flame
Working with Archangel Metatron is a powerful decision. His energy is intensely healing. His frequency works to clear energies that are being held in the body from unhelpful thinking, limiting beliefs, and past traumas.
Archangel Metatron also is the keeper of the Akashic Records and working with him can help to clear up past life karmas and agreements that do not serve your life's purpose in this incarnation.
Sunday, September 29 2024
11am -7pm EST
What you will learn in the Metatron Healer Certification Class
Metatron Attunement :: You will be attunde to Metatron's healing energy and become a holder of his healing flame.
You will learn and practice TWO Metatron Healing Techniques.
How to create a Metatron Crystal Grid to activate Metatron healing for relationships, health, finances, energy clearing, & manifesting.
Metatron Self Healing Protocol
You will begin to work within the Akashic Records to receive information about issues and past lives that are influencing you currently and heal those issues.
Begin working within the Akashic Records for others and assist in their healing.
Energy Balance Technique
Chakra Balance Technique
Metatron Methods Manual
Metatron Healing Practitioner Certificate