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Essential Oils Tip ~ Green Flies

Today is our last day up here on Long Beach Island in New Jersey. Our yearly tradition of a family reunion. I just love it up here. The salt air, the ocean, the seafood, the pace.

What I don't love....the green flies.

These little demons from hell...

When they bite you, it HURTS! And then you get a huge welt that itches and ends up looking and feeling like you got punched for days.

I managed to go our whole vacation without one until today. Within 10 minutes, it swelled up. I immediately put lavender essential oil on it...straight undiluted. It took 5 minuted for it to stop itching and just another 10 minutes for the welt and the pain to disappear completely.

Lavender essential oil is one essential oil that I am totally comfortable using undiluted in cases such as this for immediate results for minor first aid.

ps.... as I continue with my 5 month advanced aromatherapy training , I will be posting regular essential oil tips!....stay tuned!

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